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Logan Skelton

From Countdown
Logan Skelton in Series 90.

Logan Skelton was a contestant in Series 90. He was a supermarket assistant from Perth, Scotland. He is also an Apterite, and made his co-event debut at Co:Glasgow 2024 in which he finished 9th out of 14 players, after his appearances were recorded but before they were due to air.


# Date Type Contestant 1 Score Contestant 2 Presenters Guest Lex Max
8394 11/11/2024 P Liz Davies 54 – 90 Logan Skelton Colin Murray Rachel Riley Angela Scanlon Susie Dent 136
8395 12/11/2024 P Logan Skelton 114 – 58 Steve Haggerty Colin Murray Rachel Riley Angela Scanlon Susie Dent 147
8396 13/11/2024 P Logan Skelton 106 – 49 Matt Parry Colin Murray Rachel Riley Angela Scanlon Susie Dent 122
8397 14/11/2024 P Logan Skelton 73 – 88 Nicky Wisson Colin Murray Rachel Riley Angela Scanlon Susie Dent 121