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Countdown in Leicester
Countdown in Leicester, or CoLei as it is more commonly known, is the name of an annual Countdown tournament that was held in the city of Leicester during late summer/early autumn time. It run from 2008-2012, organized by Jeff Clayton.
The 2008 tournament was held on Saturday 30th August at The Stoneycroft Hotel. 9 people played, and the winner was Series 52 champion Mark Tournoff. Main article...
The 2009 tournament, CoLei2 was held on Saturday 10th October, again at The Stoneycroft Hotel. 22 people played, and the winner was Jon O'Neill. Main article...
July 2010
A CoLei summer special, featuring a single-elimination tournament between 8 people, was held on Saturday 31st July. It was won by Richard Priest. Main article...
October 2010
The 2010 tournament, CoLei3, was held on Saturday 16th October. 22 people played, and the winner was Series 60 champion Kirk Bevins. Main article...
The 2011 tournament, CoLei4, was held on Saturday 2nd April. This time the tournament took place at the Regency Hotel. 21 people played, and the winner was Series 63 champion Jack Hurst. Main article...
The 2012 tournament, CoLei5, was held on Saturday 14th April. 20 people played, and James Robinson won his third Co-event title. Main article...